Published papers
- Cercetări de diagnostic asupra originii chihlimbarului din Cimitirul de la Câmpina [book chapter], Eugen S. Teodor, Marian Vîrgolici, in Alin Frînculeasa, Cimitirul din epoca bronzului de la Câmpina, Târgovişte: Cetatea de Scaun, 2014, 134-157.
- A multi-analytical approach for characterization of amber, Truică, G.E., Ditaranto, N., Caggiani, M.C., Mangone, A., Liţescu, S.C., Teodor, E.D., Sabbatini, L., Radu, G.L., in Chemical Papers, 2014, 68 (1) 15–21, DOI: 10.2478/s11696-013-0415-8.
- The effect of accelerated alteration on the discrimination between Baltic and Romanian amber, Teodor, E.S., Petroviciu, I., Truică, G.I., Șuvăilă, R., Teodor, E.D., Archaeometry (2014), doi: 10.1111/arcm.12024 (available online, in print).
- Fourier Trasform Infrared Spectroscopy - useful analytical tool for non-destructive analysis, Liţescu, S.C., Teodor, E.D., Truica, G.I, Tache, A., Radu, G.L., in I Theophanides, Th (ed), Infrared Spectroscopy - Materials Science, Engineering and Technology, IN-TECH, 2012, 353-368.
- FTIR and statistical studies on amber artefacts from three Romanian archaeological sites, Truică, G.I., Teodor, E.D., Teodor, E.S., Lițescu, S.C., Radu, G.L., in Journal of Archaeological Science, 2012, 39, 12, 3524-3533.
- TD/CGC/MS and FT-IR characterization of archaeological amber artefacts from Romanian collections (Roman age), M. Virgolici, Irina Petroviciu, Eugenia D. Teodor, Simona C. Liţescu, Mihaela M. Manea, Corneliu C. Ponta, Gheorghe Niculescu, Costel Sârbu, Andrei V. Medvedovici, Revue Roumaine de Chimie, vol. 55(5), May 2010, pp. 349-355.
- Non-destructive analysis of amber artefacts from Prehistoric Cioclovina Hoard, Eugen S. Teodor, Eugenia D. Teodor, Marian Virgolici, Mihaela Manea, Georgiana Truică, Simona C. Liţescu, Journal of Archaeological Science, Elsevier, accepted April 29 2010, DOI: 10.1016/j.jas.2010.04.011
- TD/CGC/MS Approach for Characterization of the Volatile Fraction from Amber Specimens: a Possibility of Tracking Geological Origins, M. Virgolici, C. C. Ponta, Mihaela M. Manea, D. C. Neguţ, M. Cutrubinis, I. V. Moise, R. Suvaila, E. S. Teodor, C. Sârbu, A. V. Medvedovici, Journal of Chromatography A, vol. 1217 (fasc. 12), March 2010, pp. 1977-1987, DOI: 10.1016/j.chroma.2010.01.075.
- Analytical methods to discriminate Romanian Amber and Baltic Amber for archaeological applications, Teodor E. D., Liţescu S. C., Neacşu A., Truică G., Albu C., Central European Journal of Chemistry, 2009, DOI: 10.2478/s11532-009-0053-8, vol. 7, no. 3/sept, 560-568,
- Amber in Romania [book chapter], Antonela Neacşu, Natural Heritage from West to East, Case studies from 6 EU Countries, Eds. N. Evelpidou, T. de Figueiredo, F. Mauro, V. Tecim, A. Vassilopoulos, Springer - December 21 2009. ISBN: 978-3-642-01576-2,
- E-Learning Techniques for Presenting Courses – Romanite, a distinct species of amber, Neacşu Antonela, Ilie Simona Marilena, Proceeding of the 1st International Conference ''Economics and Information Technology- e-Society Knowledge and Innovation, Bucharest 26-27 September 2008, Ed. Universitară 173-178, ISBN 978-973-749-491-7.
- Comparative physico-mineralogical study of Romanite and Baltic amber; preliminary FT-IR and X-Ray Difractometry data, Neacşu Antonela, Dumitraş Delia Georgeta, Romanian Journal of Mineral Deposit and Romanian Journal of Mineralogy, v. 83, p. 109-115, 2008, Ed. IGR, SGER şi MSR, Alba Iulia ISSN 1220-5648 ISSN 1220-5621, Poster Sixth National Symposium on Economic Geology, Eight National Symposium on Mineralogy ''Rocksalt and other nonmetalliferous deposits'' organized by Society of Economic Geology from Romania and Mineralogical Society of Romania, Sovata, 4th-6th September 2008.
- Introducere în conservarea şi restaurarea chihlimbarului, Eugen S. Teodor, Monica Macovei, Cercetări Arheologice 14-15, 2007-2008, 467-475.
Updated: March 26th 2014