english română

Extended partnerships

Romanit project represents a "partnership"-type project, in which the collectives from different institutions engage, according to a contract, to fulfill a certain research programme, on a definite period of time (this case - 3 years). The project is financed from PNCDI II, precisely at "Partnership" section.

The contractual partnership undergoes between Romanian National History Museum, coordinator of the project, having direct interests in the archaeological research, but as well in the correct fructification of its own museal patrimony, and other five institutional partners having the role of experts in different domains and sub-domains, mainly analysts and geologists (see section Institutions). Having some experience in research project management, we know that projects with six partners are difficult, from the management point of view. Therefore, it would be an even more difficult task a project with 10 partners.

Amber represents, in the Romanian museums' patrimony, a rare material. Not even Romanian National History Museum can claim a collection to cover, on a convenient manner, all the historical epochs (including in this generic notion pre-history as well), and even less all the historical provinces. Thus, it raises the necessity of an extended partnership. Namely, we refer to official arrangements, as protocols of co-operation, in order to assure to other museal institutions from the country the access to the scientific results of the project, by offering study material, free-usage of the technological capacities of the Consortium, according to the research plan. Obviously, these kinds of capacities are not unlimited, reason for which the priorities will be selected in the basis of a very simple principle: the first to come-the first to take. The arrangement is perfectly equitable as long as the coordinator of the project makes all the efforts to inform his potential collaborators on the development of the project, the public announcement being made on the occasion of Pontica Session, from Constanta, on the 4th of October 2007.

At the beginning of December 2007, two definite external partnerships of the Romanit project were established, namely with the Institute of Eco-Museal Researches from Tulcea (one of the most important museums from Romania), and with the Institute of Archaeology and Art History from Cluj-Napoca, research institute of the Romanian Academy, which managed to establish from its own archaeological researches an important archaeologic patrimony, including amber samples. The negotiations with the Museum of Banat from Resita are in an advanced stadium, and the preliminary discussions have already taken place with the managers of several major museums from the country.

We are also on the point of making an official cooperation offer to the Museum from Buzau. The geographic closeness of the archaeological sites from the area to the main source-area of Romanian amber (Colti, Buzau county), transforms the patrimony of this museum in a possible guiding point to the presence of romanite in the prehistoric necropolis, a basis of statistic judgment of the presence of romanite according to the distance between source and end-user.

Whether you or your institution is interested on the conditions of an extended partnership, contact us.

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